About Us

The Port of Garibaldi was formed as the Port of Bay City in 1910. The Port has historically served as a timber port and fishing village. It has managed through a century of changing commerce, including the rise and decline of the timber industry, which benefitted from creation of the Tillamook Bay jetties for shipping, then suffered through the Tillamook Burn starting in the 1930s. The fishing industry picked up where timber left off, only to face recent declines in a heightened regulatory climate.
The Port originally formed to bond half of the cost of constructing the Tillamook Bay North jetty. At that time, the Corps of Engineers did not feel the jetties were needed, but agreed to pay half of the cost to install the North jetty, beginning in 1914. Beach erosion at both Barview and Bay Ocean to the south destroyed structures and homes throughout the 1920’s. The South jetty was not funded until 1931 and construction did not start until 1971, because initial funds were diverted to shore up and extend the North jetty.
Large timber companies from the Midwest had arrived and set up mills, requiring the jetty to safely ship logs to market. Unfortunately, the mills began to close after the 1938 Tillamook Burn, causing significant job losses. Due to the fires, siltation and a rising cost for dredging, the Bay City channel became “unfunded”, and the Port was eventually relocated north to Garibaldi after World War II.
The Port of Garibaldi has historically focused on job creation through development of its resources, support for business opportunities, collaboration and partnerships, and community relations. Its efforts are now focused on retention of fisheries, and diversification into new venues and business activities supportive of its fishing and seafood industries.
The Port of Garibaldi is the closest seaport to Portland, Oregon and was established in 1910. The Port is home to key businesses in the City of Garibaldi, as well as the U.S. Coast Guard. Port property also houses an RV park, restaurants, fishing charters, shrimp, crab and fish processing facilities, a lumber mill and recreational businesses.
The harbor at Garibaldi has moorage for 277 vessels and serves as the base of operations for several commercial fishermen and charter operations. There is a public boat launch for people wishing to fish, crab or get to the Pacific Ocean. Along with two public docks for recreational crabbing and fishing.
Port property also features the Lion’s Club Lumbermen’s Park and antique train display. A walking path in the port area is a popular draw for local residents as well as visitors.
In 2018 Tillamook Lightwave, working with Wave BroadBand, completed an expansion of its fiber-optic network to the end of Commercial Avenue at the Port of Garibaldi. With this installation, Port businesses have access to High-Speed Fiber Optic Services up to Gigabit speeds, including Internet and Voice Over IP (VOIP) telephone services. Tillamook Lightwave, along with a grant from Oregon State Lottery funds administered by the Oregon Business Development Department funded this project. Businesses interested in signing up for services should contact Steve Stempien
(Steven.stempien@wavebusiness.com or 541-574-4205) for more information.